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Why MMI Narayana Is Concerned About Youth Who Are Affected by High Blood Pressure?

Hypertension can be a challenge, but it is manageable.

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Positive India:Raipur:
MMI Narayana Hospital is quite concerned about Youth who are increasingly affected by High blood pressure.
To raise awareness about hypertension, World Hypertension Day is celebrated on May 17th. The theme of World Hypertension Day is “Measure Your Blood Pressure Right, Control It, Live Long”.

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On this World Hypertension Day, MMI Narayana Hospital pledged to spread awareness about hypertension among youths as part of its social responsibility to educate masses.
According to a report by the National Library of Medicine, approximately 1.39 billion people worldwide suffer from hypertension, with around 33% of urban and 25% of rural people in India being affected by hypertension. This condition is seen more in men than in women. Earlier, cases of hypertension were common only among elderly people, but now cases are also seen in the younger generation.

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Dr. Sunil Gouniyal, Senior Consultant Cardiology at MMI Narayana Hospital, Raipur, explained that the impact of hypertension on our heart is very harmful, and in such cases, we need to be very cautious. Hypertension is called a ‘silent killer’ because it does not have any specific symptoms, but some symptoms should never be overlooked, such as – headache, fatigue and lethargy, increased heart rate, chest pain, difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath, blurred vision, and nosebleeds. To prevent this, check your blood pressure regularly, maintain weight control, exercise regularly, reduce salt intake, reduce stress, consume foods rich in calcium, potassium, and magnesium, avoid smoking and alcohol consumption, and adopt a healthy lifestyle. In addition, if any serious symptoms related to hypertension appear, contact a doctor immediately.
Primary hypertension develops with age without any specific cause, but secondary hypertension occurs at a younger age and can have many causes, such as excessive salt intake, smoking, diabetes, obesity, kidney disease, thyroid problems, mental stress, lack of sleep, and improper diet. Hypertension increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, dementia, kidney disease, and other diseases. Hypertension can be a challenge, but it is manageable. Keep control of your health and take steps towards a healthy future.

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