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Tasty Recipe For Making Kantole Sabji

Positive Health Talk by Dr.K.C.Pant

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Positive India:Dr.K.C.Pant(MD):

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Recipe for making Kantole( खेकसी ) sabji.

Kantole Recipe

Wash and cut the tips of both ends.
Cut into half lengthwise and then slice them in thin slices.

Same way cut onions lengthwise. If you have 1 katori of slice kantole, you need 3/4 cup of onions. Need lots of onions.

Heat oil in a kadai. Add mustard seeds, let them splutter, add jeera, hing and then the onions.
Saute the onions till translucent.

Now add haldi, lal mirchi powder, dhania and jeera powder and salt as per taste.

Mix and add the sliced kheksi. Mix well. Cover and keep on slow gas for 7 to 8 minutes. No water at all. Remove lid.

Now you keep tossing them every 5 minutes till they become little crisp.
All this on low flame. Add amchur powder for little khata flavour and little sugar.
Kantole sabji is ready!
Writer: Dr.K.C.Pant(MD-Paed)-Raipur

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