The hunt for new drugs, including repurposed drug candidates, is getting a boost by in silico approaches, which allude to identifying the potential antiviral molecules based on computer…
सेंटर फार नैनो एंड साफ्ट मैटर साईंसेज (सीईएनएस) के शोधकर्ताओं की एक टीम ने मास्क के एक कप आकार की डिजाइन (पैटेंट दायर) विकसित की है जो बोलते समय मुंह के सामने के हिस्से में पर्याप्त स्थान का…
N9 blue nanosilver has been developed at SMITA Research Lab, IIT Delhi.
The N9 blue nanosilver, which is a highly potent antimicrobial agent, will be further modified to form nanocomplexes…
Indigenous COVID-19 Diagnostic kits are Real-time PCR based molecular diagnostic kit that screens and detects COVID 19 from samples of flu-like symptoms.
The COVID-19 examination booth is closed like a telephone booth for examining the patient without direct contact with the doctor to prevent transmission of infection.
Installed UV light in…
The developed gel can be applied to nasal passage, which is a major entry point of the corona virus. This solution is not only expected to protect the safety of health workers, but can also…