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Special Campaign 2.0 Generates Nearly 15 Lakh Revenue & Frees up 61,292 Sq. Ft. Area

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Positive India: New Delhi:
A Special Campaign 2.0 has been launched by the Union Government on 2nd October which will go on till 31st October, 2022 under which all ministries/departments are focusing on Swachhata, promoting cleanliness, good governance & ease of living while reducing compliance burden and pendency in Government. The Special Campaign 2.0 draws inspiration from Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi’s vision and mission to institutionalize Swachhata and minimize pendency in Government.

Under the “Special Campaign 2.0”, activities relating to cleanliness, review & simplification of rules & procedures, review of record management system, productive use of space and disposal of waste materials enhancing work place experience are being undertaken at all the departments and Ministries. Till 25th October, 2022, the status of progress of review of files, weeding out of old files, revenue generation and spaces freed is as follows-

The campaign has received tremendous enthusiasm from all Ministries/ Departments of Government of India and their attached and subordinate offices. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in a tweet had said “such efforts are not only innovative and commendable but most importantly remind us of our basic civic duty of keeping our surroundings and public places clean.”

Various departments have taken up a holistic and integrated approach to clean the surrounding areas, river, lakes and ponds. This kind of effort ensured cleanliness around water bodies, thus giving boost to the larger objective of the Swachhata Campaign. The progress of the Special Campaign 2.0 has garnered huge response on social media with numerous social media activities being undertaken by the Ministry and Departments. The Special Campaign 2.0 has been taken in true spirit by Department of Water Resources as the following steps were undertaken –

In order to ensure cleanliness, Nodal Officers are nominated in the Department.
Review meetings are taken up by the Secretary with Senior Officers on the progress of the Campaign. Secretary inspected the office premises and directed to take certain activities and also motivated to staff members to reduce pendency and ensure cleanliness inside the sections.
Data including pictures, videos are being uploaded on social media sites, highlighting the work done by various Departments and Organizations across India.

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