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PM Modi Congrats Avani Lekhara For Winning Gold Medal In Shooting at Paralympics Games

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Avani Lekhra wins Gold Medal in shooting at Tokyo Paralympics.
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Positive India:Tokyo:
The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has congratulated Avani Lekhara for winning the Gold Medal in shooting at Paralympics Games in Tokyo.

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In a tweet, the Prime Minister said;

“Phenomenal performance @AvaniLekhara! Congratulations on winning a hard-earned and well-deserved Gold, made possible due to your industrious nature and passion towards shooting. This is truly a special moment for Indian sports. Best wishes for your future endeavours.”

Avani Lekhsra has won first ever Gold Medal in #paralympics in 10 metre AR standing SH1 in Tokyo today. By winning Gold , Avani has made proud all Indians.

Positive India extend heartiest congratulations to Avani Lekhara for giving this proud moment in Krishna Janmastmi.

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