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Parliament Passes Triple Talaq Bill To Protect Muslim Women

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Positive India:Delhi
Parliament today passed the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill 2019.

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Expressing satisfaction over this landmark moment, Union Minister for Home Affairs, Amit Shah congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi for fulfilling his commitment and ensuring that a law is made to ban Triple Talaq.

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The Home Minister also congratulated Muslim women by saying, “On the passage of this Bill, I congratulate the Muslim sisters across the country on getting rid of the Triple Talaq curse. This act will free Muslim women from the curse of this regressive practice”

Amit Shah said that the Modi government is dedicated to protecting women’s rights and ensuring their empowerment. This bill is a historic step to protect the dignity of Muslim women and keep it intact. It will bring a new era of hope and respect in the lives of Muslim women. From now on, the door to unlimited possibilities will open for Muslim women and they would now be able to play an effective role in the creation of ‘New India’.

“Today is a great day for India’s democracy. I thank all parties who supported this historic bill”, Amit Shah said while thanking all the members of Parliament.

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