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NHMMI Organizes Quiz Competition On World Kidney Day

Quiz Winners Honoured With Trophy.

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Positive India:Raipur:
Understanding the objective of Quiz of World Kidney Day,a quiz competition was held in NH MMI on the day of world kidney Day .Various medical students from different departments participated. Dr Pradeep Sharma told that the motive behind this quiz was to enhance knowledge of medical students for complex kidney diseases..

On World Kidney Day, a Quiz Competition was organized.

Dr Pradeep Sharma, Dr Sunil Dharmani and Dr R.Parganiha were the panelists who conducted and evaluated this Quiz.

5 roundd were kept to test the knowledge of participants of various teams. Noted rounds were buzzer and Rapid Fire Rounds which decided the prospects of winning teams.

Facility Director honoured winners of Quiz Competition.
The Winner Team was of Dr Surendra Nath V, Dr Sandhya Sharma and Dr Urvashi Kashyap.
Winners of Quiz Competition being felicitated at NHMMI.
The 1st Runner Teams was of Dr Pratik Jain, Dr Vigheshwar and Dr Sarswati Kashyap.
Winners being felicitated by FD Naveen Sharma at NHMMI
The 2nd Runner Up team was of Dr.Shubendhu Behra, Dr Ramesh and Dr Yagya Prakash Patel.

NHMMI Facility Director Naveen Sharma honoured winners of this Kidney Health for All Quiz with citation, trophy and cash prize. Naveem Sharma Congratulated all the participants of this Quiz.

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