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Modi Govt Prohibits E-Commerce Companies During Lockdown

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Positive India:New Delhi;19 April:
Narendra Modi Govt has prohibited the supply of Non-Essential goods by E-Commerce companies during Corona Lockdown in India.

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It has been clarified by Ministry of Home Affairs under Amit Shah that supply of non-essential goods by e-commerce companies will remain prohibited during lockdown.

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It is to be noted that earlier Central Govt had lifted prohibition order of supplying Non-Essential products by E-Commerce companies during Lockdown. There was a lot of hue and cry by various trade unions against sanction to E-Commerce companies to supply Non-Essential goods;when there is complete ban on other stores/shopping complex/traders to supply and sell non-essential goods till 3rd May-2020.

Various tade and Commerce unions have welcomed this prohibition by Govt on E-Commerce companies.The Corona Lockdown will be in force till 3rd May-2020 to contain the spread of COVID-19 in India.

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