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Meet Vyommitra-Lady Human Robot By ISRO

Humanoid Robot Vyommitra is a scientific sensation in space.

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Positive India:Breaking News: Meet Vyommitra-a lady human robot developed and unveiled by ISRO for Gaganyaan Mission.

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#Vyommitra is a half humanoid robot, which will be sent to #space as part of #Gaganyaan #Mission; ahead of manned mission in 2022. Female robot Vyommitra is called half humanoid because she doesn’t have legs. In her own words, Vyommitra can talk, mimic, enter into conversation and can answer all queries. Even this lady robot will be a companion to #astronauts.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced Mission Gaganyaan in 2019 during his Independence Speech at New Delhi. To realize the dream of PM Modi and to have technological edge ISRO planned and started executing this Planning. As part of this Gaganyaan Mission, ISRO unveiled this Half Humanoid Vyommitra. She will be sent space twice before manned space mission. One in December 2020, and second in June 2021.

In space, Vyommitra will undertake various scientific tests including the effects of human parameters in space.She will remain in continuous touch with Ground Control of Ganganyaan.

ISRO has already developed and tested successfully GSLV Mark 3 rocket, which will take #astronauts to space. ISRO chief K.Sivan has told that Manned Spaceflight will be sent in 2022.

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