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Herbalife Is A Scam Disguised As Healthy Living

Herbalife Associated Fatal Accute Liver Failure.

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Positive India:Raipur:United States Federal Trade Commission has described Herbalife as Scam Disguised As Healthy Living. As per the detailed article published in the PubMed on page numbers 268-272, with headlines:Slimming to the Death:Herbalife Associated Fatal Accute Liver Failure; there is clear indication that Herbalife products contain heavy metals, toxic compunds, bacterial contaminants and psychotropic agents. These products are sold worldwide.
As far as Indian market is concerned, Herbalife is selling its products through network marketing. In network marketing, people add people and these people have no knowledge about products and its ingredients. These people are lured to sell Herbalife products through network offering them hefty amounts as Commissions.
No expert, no doctors, no food and drug depts to have check and balances on company’s claim and actual reality.
This article clearly shows that global nutritional giant Herbalife promises fake health benefits and its products pose a serious public health concern in India.
Unfortunately, Food and Drug Administration is simply sleeping on this issue. It can take samples from street food vendors, hotels, chemists and even from dispensaries operated by doctors. But, it refrain from taking samples from companies like Herbalife. Why??

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