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Death Warrant Issued In Nirbhaya Case

Delhi court issues Black Warrant against 4 convicts of Nirbhaya rape and murder case.

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Positive India: New Delhi:Delhi Court has issued Death Warrant against 4 convicts of Nirbhaya Rape and Murder case.
Nirbhaya was gang raped and murdered by these convicts named Akshay-a bus helper, Vinay-gym helper, Mukesh-driver cum helper and Pawan-a fruit seller.

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Main accused Ram Singh-a bus driver, committed suicide in Tihar Jail on 11th March-2013.
A minor who brutally raped and killed Nirbhaya has been acquitted after 3 years of imprisonment, as his age was 17 years 6 months and 11 days while committing this heinous crime.

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The final judgement in this case has come after 7 years. While issuing Black Warrant, court has observed that convicts have one option of filing curetive petition.

Black Warrant is the Death Warrant which is issued against convicts to hang him till death. After receiving Black Warrant, Tihar Jail Administration has shifted all these 4 convicts in Special Death Cells for making preparation to hang them on 22nd January at 7 am.
All the 4 Nirbhaya Gang Rape and Murder convicts will be hanged in Jail number-3 of Tihar.

23 years Paramadic student Nirbhaya was gang raped in running bus during the mid night of 16-17th December-2012. After brutal gang rape, she was grievously injured by inserting pointed rods in her private parts and other vital organs. After this brutal gang rape and injuries, Nirbhaya was thrown out of moving bus.

Death sentences to Nirbhaya convicts will send a strong message to society that those who will indulge in rape and murder will be punished with death sentence.

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