Positive India:New Delhi:
International Open Access Week is celebrated worldwide to create awareness about the open access scholarly publishing among researchers and publishers. It is celebrated globally during the last full week of October. To highlight the different aspects and opportunities of the Open Access Publishing, the different outreach activities are organized including talks, seminars, symposia, or the announcement of open access mandates or other milestones in open access. In the year 2022, The International Open Access Week, entered in its fifteenth year of celebration.
Open Access advocate Mr. M. Madhan delivering the lecture on “Need of Open Access Scholarly Publishing”
CSIR-NIScPR is the one of largest Open Access publishers of India which publishes 15 Diamond Open Access scholarly journals. CSIR-NIScPR neither charges any publication fee to authors nor any subscription fee to the readers. To celebrate the “International Open Access Week”, a lecture has been organized entitled “Non-commercial open access journals: How to sell Diamonds in the rush for (fool’s) Gold” which was delivered by Open Access advocate and information science expert Mr M. Madhan on 31 October 2022 at CSIR-NIScPR, Pusa Campus. He highlighted the need of Open Access scholarly publishing and discussed the challenges of such publishing model. The international status on the diamond open access publishing was also discussed in detail. He highlighted that the scholarly data must be open to all without any political and economic boundaries for the sustainable growth of not only a country but also the whole world. The lecture was followed by a Q&A session.
The session was chaired by Prof. Ranjana Aggarwal, Director, CSIR-NIScPR. Prof. Ranjana Aggarwal elaborated the institute’s commitment to support the publishing of the Diamond Open Access scholarly journals. She highlighted that the CSIR-NIScPR is going to play a very crucial role in nation development through its open access scholarly journals.
Prof. Ranjana Aggarwal, Director CSIR-NIScPR addressing the audience
Dr. Meher Wan, Scientist at CSIR-NIScPR welcomed the gathering and Dr. G Mahesh, Chief Scientist & Head, Research Journals Division presented the vote of thanks.