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Count Down Begins To Launch RISAT2BR1 By PSLVC48

ISRO will launch RISAT2BR1 tomorrow from Sriharikota at 3.25pm

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Positive India:Sriharikota:
Count Down has begun to launch RISAT2BR1 by PSLVC48. The count down started at 4.40pm at Satish Dhawan Space Station SHAR,Sriharikota.

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#PSLVC48 is carrying #RISAT2BR1 and 9 customer satellites. RISAT2BR1 weighs 628kg and will be placed into an orbit of 576 km at an inclination of 37 degree.

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RISAT2BR1 is Radar Imaging Earth Observation Satellite. It will boost India’s strategic surveillance capabilities.

#PSLVC48 is the 50th mission of #PSLV. It will be launched tomorrow that is Dec 11,2019 at 3.25pm by #ISRO.We wish scientists of ISRO yo make this launch a big success.

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