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Amidst Corona Pandemic Yog Maya Chai Has Been Launched

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Positive India:New Delhi:
On the occasion of World Yoga Day 21st June. NRI Chaiwala brings to you Yog Maya Chai, inclusive of 35 herbs and spices which will award in similar yoga benefits

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“Yoga is a symbol of universal aspiration of Health and Well being. It is Health assurance in Zero Budget” – As quoted by our honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji.

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Inspired by him NRI Chaiwala, wanting to contribute into his good deeds as always, came up with this fascinating idea to innovate a Chai which would help individuals to double the benefit of Yoga.

Yog Maya Chai is made up of 35 unique herbs and spices combined. It is rich in natural antioxidants too. As, yoga is a powerful tool to deal with the stress of uncertainty and isolation, as well as to maintain physical well-being. Infusing it with Chai magnifies its benefits such as its good for detoxifying and increases metabolism and much more.

Amidst this Corona pandemic, new habits and some creative thinking about our well being is the need of the hour. NRI Chaiwala did some and innovated this Yog Maya chai to keep an individual’s mind and body healthy.

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