Positive India: A smart little girl was seen riding bicycle with her pet white smart rat in a bicycle rally organised by Raipur Smart City Ltd in Raipur-Chhattisgarh. This bicycle rally shows that Raipur is becoming smart because of its smart people.
Mayor Pramod Dubey and Commissioner Rajat Bansal took initiative to launch this Public Bike Sharing so that Raipurians can use bicycles for short distances. This PBS will lead to #Swachh Raipur. These bicycles have been provided by #ZoomCar. The cost of bicycle is just Rs.3 for half an hour. The lock and payment are controlled by mobile app. These bicycles are fitted with solar panels for GPS charging. #RaipurSmartCity has prepared and implemented the roadmap to make Raipur Mor Smart-Mor Livable.