In the 36th episode of his monthly radio programme aired from Raipur centre of Akashwani, Chief Minister mentioned about State Government’s efforts and initiatives for betterment of health services in state and achievements in the field. He also mentioned about measures being taken by the state government for prevention of seasonal diseases such as malaria, dengue, jaundice etc. He also gave many important suggestions to listeners for prevention of these diseases.

Chief Minister said- in Chhattisgarh, special vaccination drive has been launched for saving nearly 85 lakh children from measles. Likewise, pregnant women are also being vaccinated for prevention of rubella virus. Vaccination facility is available in government-private schools and aanganbadi centres.

Chief Minister appealed for support from all the people and organizations for this campaign being conducted for saving pregnant women and children from measles and rubella. He said- with collective efforts of government, private organizations and individuals, India successfully got ride of polio. I  wish that once again doctors organizations, social welfare organizations come forward to participate in this campaign against measles and rubella. Dr Singh mentioned that in this campaign, support from from WHO, UNICEF, State Government’s School Education, Women and Child Development Department, Tribal Caste Development Department, Panchayat Raj Institutions and private doctors and nursing homes etc will also be sought.

Chief Minitister mentioned about special schemes being conducted for special requirements in health services. One such special requirement is mother-infant care. Keeping this in view, Government has established mother-child health wing (MCH) in district hospitals of all 27 districts. Talking about State Government’s achievement in decline of MMR and IMR, Dr Singh said- in year 2003, MMR was 365 per one lakh which has declined to 173 at present. In the same duration, IMR has declined from 70 per 1000 to 39 per thousand. Percentage of complete infant vaccination has increased from 48 to 76 and institutional deliveries have increased from 18% to 76%.

Chief Minister gave detailed information about various measures that can be taken to prevent common seasonal diseases and also mentioned about state government’s preparations to fight the same. Chief Minister further said that more details on the subject is available on toll-free number 104 of Health Department’s Arogya Service. Dr Singh said- during rainy season, incidents of snake bite are common. Victim of snake bite should be immediately provided medical treatment. He said- we need to understand that like jaundice and other diseases, snake bite cannot be cured through witch-craft.