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Indian Nationals Will Be Evacuated From Wuhan In Wake of Novel Coronavirus

Cabinet Secretary reviews preparedness on Novel Coronavirus.

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Positive India:New Delhi:Modi Govt prepares to taclke Novel Coronavirus Disease in India.
The situation arising out of Novel Coronavirus outbreak in China is being reviewed regularly by the M/o Health and the Cabinet Secretariat.

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Secretaries in the Ministries of Health, External Affairs, Civil Aviation, Shipping, Defence, I&B and Member Secretary, National Disaster Management Authorityare participating in the reviews.

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Screening of passengers with travel history from China has been extended to 13 more airports, taking the total to 20.

M/o Health& Family Welfare is procuring more thermal scanners for faster screening.

Four more labs, besides NIV Pune have been geared up for testing clinical samples.

Ministry of Shipping has initiated screening at all major ports.

Till yesterday, 155 flights have been screened (total cumulative passengers 33552). Samples of 20 passengers have so far been tested by NIV Pune. All were found negative.

MEA has made a formal request to China for facilitating evacuation of Indian Nationals from Wuhan. M/o Civil Aviation will make the necessary arrangements for evacuation after approval of the Chinese authorities is received. Meanwhile, Indian Embassy in Beijing is in contact with the Indian nationals.

On evacuation from Wuhan, these individuals will be kept in quarantine for 14 days. Necessary arrangements in this regard are being made.

Health Ministry is reviewing the preparedness and screening in all the states daily through video conferencing with Chief Secretaries and Health Secretaries.

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