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Arun Jaitley Passes Away At 66

Arun Jaitley Died at 66

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Positive India:Delhi: Former Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has died after prolonged illness. He was admitted in AIMMS hospital. 66 year old Arun Jaitley had undergone kidney transplant in 2018. Previous to that in 2014, he underwent bariatric surgery to reduce his accessive waite due to diabetes.
From 2014 to 2019, Arun Jaitley was the Finance Minister of Narendra Modi Govt. He presented all the budgets of Modi Govt. Unfortunately he could not present interim budget of 2019. Due to his ill health, he had requested PM Narendra Modi to keep him out of active politics, as he was to focus on his health.
Arun Jaitley was among those leaders who were jailed during emergency by Indira Gandhi Govt. He was active in Politics since his college days.
He was known as one of the best orators in political circle. He was also Opposition Leader in Rajya Sabha during Manmohan Singh Govt. By profession, he was lawyer.
May god give him everlasting peace in heaven.

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