Article 370 of the Indian constitution is an article that gives autonomous status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The article is drafted in Part XXI of the Constitution: Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions. The Constituent Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir, after its establishment, was empowered to recommend the articles of the Indian constitution that should be applied to the state or to abrogate the Article 370 altogether. After the J&K Constituent Assembly later created the state’s constitution and dissolved itself without recommending the abrogation of Article 370, the article was deemed to have become a permanent feature of the Indian Constitution.
In 2014, as part of Bharatiya Janata Party manifesto for the 2014 General Election, the party pledged to integrate the state of Jammu and Kashmir into the Union of India After winning the elections, attempts were made by the party along with its parent organisation, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh(RSS), for the abrogation of Article 370. Former prince regent and Congress leader Karan Singh opined that an integral review of Article 370 was overdue and, it need to be worked on jointly with the State of Jammu and Kashmir.
Now in wake of Pulwama Attack in which our 40 CRPF personnel were martyred, Narendra Modi Govt must act fast to abrogate this Article 370, which has become bane to Indian Democracy. The mood of entire India is against this article. Unfortunately, a handful of politicians and hardliners Muslims are against it. The main purpose of opposition is to create a division among various societies which are living otherwise a peaceful life. All is happening under the guidance of rogue state Pakistan. Now this is the time to act fast to abrogate Article 370.